Accessibility Consultants

Advocating Accessibility for All

In an increasingly digital world, no one should be left behind.

We believe every individual deserves seamless access to online resources, regardless of their physical capabilities.

Connect with us and we'll create a custom program for your organization.

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Man in a wheelchair being fitted for with prosthetic limbs

There's an estimated $490 billion market of people with disabilities.

Expand your audience across all industries. In The US alone, there are millions of people who aren't getting the online service they deserve:


Could benefit from ADA compliant websites


Have a visiual impairment


Are deaf or hard of hearing

Why should your organization become a disability advocate?

Ensure Compliance and Expand Audience Reach
Over three decades ago, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed to ensure that people with disabilities would have the same opportunities as everyone else. This includes having access to information and resources that are available online. Making your website compliant and compatible with Assistive Technology (AT) is the right thing to do, but it also opens up your audience to a whole new group of potential customers or donors. By contacting our accessibility consultants and engaging with us, you’ll learn about how your website can be accessible and inclusive to everyone.
Navigate Compliance Challenges and Lead Inclusion
We understand that ADA compliance can seem like a challenging prospect, especially for organizations and non-profits who might not have a dedicated team for it. Thankfully, with our experienced consultants, we make this journey less daunting. We're proud of our track record in helping many organizations navigate the waters of ADA compliance. Our ultimate goal is to help your organization develop into a leader in digital inclusion, demonstrating to all how an accessible and inclusive website can make a significant impact. Click below and have a look at some of the amazing clients (and websites) we’ve worked with along the way.
Build Inclusive Environments Beyond ADA Compliance
The journey towards accessibility doesn't stop at ADA compliance. True accessibility transcends compliance - it fosters an inclusive environment that benefits everyone, from your employees to your customers. Our accessibility consulting aims to make this a reality for your organization. We work with you to ensure that your website is not just ADA-compliant but is a space where everyone, regardless of their disabilities, feels included.
CEO, Founder, MBA Graduate
Daman Wandke

As an individual with Cerebral Palsy, Daman has dedicated himself to advocating for disability rights.

With more than ten years testing online accessibility and training the public and private sectors on how to be an ally for the disability community, Daman is working to make the web available to everyone.

Learn More
Daman Wandke

Bring inclusivity to your organization today

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