Digital Accessibility Remediation Services

Reach all accessibility standards and provide an inclusive experience for any user.

Transform Your Website into an Accessible Space

Comprehensive Remediation

We employ a thorough approach to fix all accessibility issues identified during audits and testing.

Technical, Content, or Design

We do it all - from code fixes and ARIA implementation to design modifications (like color contrast, or keyboard navigation), and even content enhancements (such as alt text for images or transcripts and captions for videos).

Future-Proof Standards

We incorporate regular updates and ongoing monitoring into our work, ensuring your website remains compliant with ever-evolving usability standards.

Comprehensive Remediation Approach

We use a combination of manual and automated tools to help your digital platform serve all users with any disability.

Prioritized Issues: Focus on the most critical barriers first to ensure immediate improvements in accessibility.

Detailed Fixes: Implement necessary code changes and design adjustments to remove barriers and enhance usability.

Image of a screen with HTML code and CSS code
Image of a person holding a phone from the first-person perspective, over a screen of the same content

Any Type of Remediation

Whatever changes need to be made, we're there to make it happen.

Technical Remediation: Address code-level issues to ensure compliance with accessibility standards such as WCAG 2.1.

Design Remediation: Modify the visual and interactive elements of your website to improve accessibility.

Content Remediation: Make sure all digital content is accessible and user-friendly.

Future-Proof Accessibility

We offer tailored remediation and documentation that fits your specific needs and goals, ensuring maximum compliance.

Before and After Analysis: Visual representations of issues before and after remediation.

Detailed Fix Descriptions: Clear explanations of all changes implemented.

Future Recommendations: Advice on maintaining accessibility standards over time.

Image of several people working together to solve a problem using post-it notes to prioritize and plan a big project


Reach out to our support team or contact us for further questions

How long does the remediation process take?

The duration of the remediation process depends on the scope and complexity of the website or application. Initial audits typically take a few days to a few weeks, followed by remediation, which can vary based on the number of issues identified and the resources available for fixing them.

What are ARIA tags, and why are they important?

ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) tags are used to enhance the accessibility of web content by providing additional information to assistive technologies. They help improve navigation and interaction for users relying on screen readers.

What kind of reports do you provide after an audit?

We provide detailed reports that include a summary of findings, a list of identified accessibility barriers, practical recommendations for remediation, screenshots and videos illustrating issues and solutions, and prioritization of issues based on severity and impact.

How do you ensure ongoing compliance after remediation?

We offer continuous monitoring and follow-up audits to ensure ongoing compliance. Regular updates and maintenance are recommended to keep the website aligned with evolving accessibility standards.

What is the cost of digital accessibility remediation services?

The cost varies depending on the size and complexity of the website or application and the extent of remediation required. We provide customized quotes based on a thorough assessment of your needs.

Still have questions?

Reach out to us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.


Bring inclusivity to your agency

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By partnering with Wandke Accessibility, you ensure that your website is accessible, inclusive, and compliant with the ADA, providing a better user experience for everyone.